Sunday, May 16, 2010

hes where?

for the first time this year and indeed quite a while i am posting on my blogger, so much has happened. went to america, got new guitar, quit warhammer, and began my own little insight. in the form of PHILOSOPHYSICS! if you would like to see them check out zerotooonehundredinfourpointoh's blogspot and youll see the sort of thing me and my friends think about.

oh, IM FUKING GOING TO METALLICA AT END OF YEar. thats right i got mosh pit tickets to their second show in sydney.

rock up?

Thursday, June 18, 2009



well 4 days till our entire grade get laptops, our entire school life is about to change,

sucked in menai high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok enough death remarks, on to music

is awesome
nah seriously, have learnt most of nothing else matters, aswell as soe old metallica songs like fade to black and battery, in a few weeks wee got a school performance night as well as a performance night for my guitar teacher peoples, i is in both, at school we are performing black stone cherry-rain wizard, and for guitar teacher me and this other metal guitarist are playing (do i see new band possibly forming?) the day that never comes by metallica


new band

sound awesome

i was playing amped 3 yesterday and a song came on, it was marigold by the band throttlerod, it sounds really good and like a song that i would be interested in playing.

well anyway....

rock on puppets!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


woot im having pizza. lol

this week is choc full.

tomorrow,(sunday) im going on the boat with harrison woot!
monday we have whole day year 9 reflection day,
tuesday i have drama excursion to the opera house
thursday we have envirowalk all day,
next sunday have practise for halo tournament

im gonna be swamped.

i discovered,

despite how expensive the valkyrie is, its worth only 180 points. the same as a lemun russ. but, valkyries are really cool skimmers, they can move like 36" in a turn without shooting. also, they can be in squadrons. i would rather have 3 valkyries then 3 lemun russ's anytime.

rock on!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Death To The (Non) Believers!


that's all i can describe what stupid Americans are currently feeling in their precious walnut-sized brains. the "economic crisis" has become as "bad as ever" say some so called "experts". but the truth is out there.

in Africa, 2000km from any village is a bunker. there are armed guards with semi automatic machine guns, guarding a door. on the door is the symbol of the UN. 'whats the symbol of the UN doing on a door in a bunker in the middle of nowhere?' i hear you ask. the answer?

the internet.

the actual internet is in a room protected by armed guards in a bunker in the middle of nowhere. infact, this post is being uploaded to the room as you read this. i had someone spy on the bunker and they found that barack obama himself visited reguarly along with Queen elizabeth II. and always left with several truckloads of sacks with money symbols on them. i am yet to discover what barack and the queen are planning, but i will find out.

also, i have discovered that george w bush has been arrested for conspiracy to commit murder. poor barbera bush. oh well, till next time, rock on!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

staring at that mouldy piece of bread...

well here i am, throwing up on top of my pillow, staring at a mouldy piece of bread. as you can guess, ive been sick for a while. but ive been able to do a few things...

Imperial Guard

thats right the new imperial guard stuff is coming out, and shortly after completing my baneblade conversion, i will buy a cadian battleforce. it comes with 20 cadian shock troops, a cadian command squad, a sentinel(now with missle and rocket launcher options) and 3 heavy weapon teams, Woot!


ive learnt master of puppets, by mettalica and have learnt all of it, (except of course the solo by kirk) and it sounds pretty good


yes as much as it pains me to say it, ive actually started playing again, go ahead and boo

anyway, cya next time, ROCK ON!

Monday, March 30, 2009

its been a long time...

its been a while since i last posted, since the last time i posted, i have painted my land raider and lemun russ and had a few battles. i also got the new stormlord, adding 160 dollars to the cost of this army, but its cool, i worked out the other day that it has a potential of 115 shots in one turn from str 6 or above. its awesome. i need a few more things to finish my apocalypse sized army, i need 2 more super heavy tanks (most likely 2 shadowswords) a basilisk battery(3 basilisks) and i need to finish off my grey knight hero squad, a custom squad that noone has done before. so far i have only made a normal grey knight and i replaced his power weapon with a flamer. soon i will buy a gry knight termy and a normal termy and swap over their arms, so one will have a force wep, power wep and normal close combat attack(so 3 power wep attacks or 4 if charging, as well as slain outright psychic attack from force wep), and the other will have 2 storm bolters. i am also looking to put a warhound titan in my apoc army

to other news, i have been listening to more black stone cherry songs, ad have found them very good, i am really enjoying the songs. especially backwords gold and rain wizard.

thats about it, so until next time, rock on!

btw played another apocalypse game, we almost won, but on the last turn the warhound blew up killing everything but mickeys commander

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

hopes and dreams

so far this week something has happened with everyones hopes and dreams, jono has lost his chance with maddie, after a heart felt poem(random persons screams"devil woman"), julian got his bass guitar lessons, after 5 months of waiting and i have finnaly got an interview for a job. on the plus side, i have recently discovered the band black stone cherry... more l8er]

rock on